Apartment Therapy, January 2017

Tour a Renovated Maine House Inspired by the Atlantic Ocean

"This house had been vacant for a decade by the time we got to it and was in need of a major overhaul, but it had a nice layout, big backyard for our dogs and best of all, water views!" explains designer Tyler Karu. The neighborhood the house is located in is a small waterfront community with mid-century vibes and traditional-style homes, and Tyler is completely in love.

In the summer of 2016, she embarked on a three-month renovation of the house, and though she claims she still has "a ways to go," the house is bright, lovely and a beautiful mix of classic elements and meaningful objects. The renovation modernized the space, but didn't take away from the history of the home. Inspired by the ocean, the whole interior is a perfect example of how to use soothing neutrals blended with soft hues of blue to create a relaxing and dynamic home.

Apartment Therapy Survey:

My Style: Collected yet edited, casual yet refined

Inspiration: The Atlantic ocean, always

Favorite Element: A portrait of me, my brother and my mother on Kennebunk Beach painted by my grandmother circa 1987. My grandmother is a renowned portrait artist and her paintings are some of my most cherished items.

Biggest Challenge: The house isn't very architecturally interesting, so rather than try to add detail during the renovation that would inevitably look out of place, I kept the aesthetic simple. Clean white walls, simple windows, doors and casings, and a lively, highly functional kitchen were the focus of the renovation.

Proudest DIY: While we were cleaning the attic, prepping to insulate it, we came across hundreds of cashed checks that belonged to the family who owned the home in the '60s. I decided to create a piece of art from them to honor the history of the house. It's now in the living room and is the piece that's most commented on when people come over.

Biggest Indulgence: The view! The master bedroom looks out onto Casco Bay and we tore down a wall and turned two bedrooms into the master to maximize the water views.

Best Advice: Since I renovate homes for a living, there's not a lot about the process that could shock me, but the old adage is true — expect the unexpected.

Apartment Therapy, January 2017
Apartment Therapy, January 2017

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